Maybe you love Martial Arts movies, or are intrigued by the idea of defending yourself with only your hands and feet. Or are looking for a more fun way than the gym to stay in shape?
For me, it was the movie “Karate Kid” in 1984 that hooked me.
After I saw that movie, I knew that Martial Arts was something that I needed to try. And it quickly became an important part of my life.
Whatever it is that fascinates you about Martial Arts, we’re making it super easy for you to try it out with a free class event.
The first Monday of each month, the Fulcrum Tae Kwon Do school holds a special event, and for January 2019, it’s a free introductory class!
Come meet us at 5:30pm in the Linus Pauling Middle School Mat Room, sign a waiver (parent or guardian needed if you are a minor) and get a free introduction to Korean Karate!
Note: You need to be 10 or older to participate